Self Verification

Self Verification ---- Very smart step towards your bright career

Get your background check before you apply for a job, and find out instantly what employers will check when they search your background.

Being self-verified gives you the authority and the confidence to be above others in terms of your authenticity. Employers will prefer to hire someone who is already presenting a verified documents along with profile and the verification has been conducted by is always reliable and authentic.

Employers often conduct background checks on potential employees when they join the organization to check for their address verification, education verification criminal records, ID Verification, etc.

A self background check can help alert you to identity errors in your records. It can also reassure potential clients before they take you on-board.

Some of the very Important reasons to conduct self Background Verification.
Prospective Employer would appreciate your honesty and sincerity
Confirm the information on your resume through verification to prove your education, experience, previous employments, etc.
Stand out amongst others
Not many candidates will pre-verify their background, but it saves employers and recruiters precious time and money if you do.
You have a control on your Career data
Know what is there about you and if there are any inaccuracies in your background information then those can be corrected and resolved immediately.
We Recommend to get these documents verified immediately.
For Freshers
  • Highest Education [completed]
  • Address Verification [Permanent]
  • Indian Criminal Records Verification [at permanent address]
For Experienced
  • Highest Education [completed]
  • Address Verification [Permanent]
  • Indian Criminal Records Verification [at permanent address]
  • Employer Verification

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Million Businesses
Million Jobs
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